Thursday, June 28, 2007


Right now I'm at home visiting my Mom in MAINE!
Yeah, it's super hot, but I'm having a lovely time... even though the fridge looks like this:

Today I visited the hospital thrift store, where everything is priced under a dollar. This pile cost $4.35. The winners are a fluorescent pink and yellow Umbro running shorts circa the 90's; two lovely flower mumus and an awesome 90's shirt with writing and hightop sneakers all over it.

Then later I pulled out my coveted, much used, 17 year old copy of Nintendo Power with all the secerets to Super Mario 3. Yeah, it's totally cheating, but totally awesome.

I love my Nintendo dudes!! I only got to world six before I got tired of playing and wanted to stop. Too bad, because I had racked up about 4 panels of power up items and like 20 lives. Maybe tomorrow... Here's a photo of my favorite Mario... Cutie in the boot!!!

1 comment:

ZU-ZU said...

Many happy memories! The $ saved by shopping at the thrift shop, the repeated sounds of the video music, and the fun finding treasures at the flea markets. I am ready to do it again!