Thursday, March 1, 2007

God made me tall just so you could hit on me....

If you're a woman in this town, you will be hit on, period. You don't have to be pretty or made up, just female and even that is questionable at times. There's something about being as tall as me, that invites even more remarks. I'm not going to complain because I don't want to spend any more of my day thinking about it, or wondering why men feel a need to do this and that it makes me feel kind of crappy.... I just want to share the one I got today on my walk home....

" Hey tall lady! You look so nice I have to say it twice..."

I guess he'll get me again the next time I walk by.

At least it was better than the guy who yelled "HEY BIG LADY!"

1 comment:

Kj said...

Perhaps you remember my "China Below Us (constant revelations of the obvious)" Theory, that if every man on every street corner has the uncontrolable urge to shout out sexual advances or poorly contructed compliments to you, then you just might need to resign yourself to the fact that perhaps you are indeed "the most beautiful woman in the world" . I mean, these poor guys can't help it, they have to shout it from the rooftops. this is a muchbetter way to look at sexual harrasment. It's helped me immensly.